Monday, February 22, 2010

Readers Are Plentiful: Thinkers Are Rare

"Readers are plentiful: thinkers are rare". This quote by Harriet Martineau is the one that I've chosen to base my blog around because it really speaks to me. It's easy for somebody to read a book, but it takes a real thinking, creative mind to connect what you are reading to the real world. This is what I've always seemed to do while reading since I was young because it's what makes reading so interesting. Besides, what's the point of reading and not thinking? How will someone be able to use what they read without thinking? That's like eating, without digesting! Therefore this quote really connects me, Stan Temming, to reading.


  1. I completely agree.....many readers, but few real thinkers. I think this will be a good start to the project of the blog...we read - but I am going to ask you to do some really deep thinking about what you have read.

  2. I completley agree aswell. I really enjoyed this post, because I feel exactly the same way. When I read a book, I poke out every last detail. I think about what I'm reading as I'm reading it instead of skimming the book, and then trying to think about the details after. Great post Stan!
