Monday, June 14, 2010

The BFG: Approach Of The Inmost Cave

Question: How is the approach of the inmost cave by the BFG and Sophie significant to the rest of their journey and the plot of the story?

" ' If we can't save tonight's children, we can anyway save tomorrow's, ' Sophie said (Dahl, 124).

Answer: After many weeks of living in the cave in Giant Country with the BFG and seeing the giants leave every night to travel to other parts of the Earth to eat "human beans" or children, one night Sophie and the BFG agreed that enough was enough and something had to be done about the children-eating giants. So, the two devised a plan to have The BFG mix a dream using the ideas from Sophie which will show the Queen what the giants do each night; creating an awful nightmare for the Queen. The two will then set off for the Buckingham Palace and blow the dream into the Queen's bedroom. The BFG will then leave Sophie on the Queen's windowsill and retreat into the palace gardens to hide. When the Queen awakens, Sophie will tell her that all of her dream was true. Since the dream includes the knowledge that Sophie would be there when she woke up, the Queen will believes her and speak with the Big Friendly Giant. In doing so, and with the assistance of many others, the Queen will create a plan with the BFG, Sophie and some of the other powerful people in Europe like the King Of Sweden.

The next night, while the giants were gone eating children and everyone in the world was asleep, the BFG and Sophie left with the nightmare they had created that afternoon and travelled to Buckingham Palace. Here, their plan sprung into action and everything went as planned.

This section of the story was the approach of the inmost cave because it prepared Sophie and the BFG for the ordeal of attempting to capture the giants. Therefore, it was extremely significant to the story's plot and to Sophie's and the BFG's journey because it added tension to the story as it built up toward the ordeal or crisis and will help the Big Friendly Giant and Sophie complete their journeys.

The approach of the inmost cave in this story was significant to the story because it added tension to the plot by causing the reader to doubt the revolution of the crisis by the two heroes.Since their plan was so crazy and complex but vital toward the completion of their journey, I was unsure it would be successful. This caused me to predict what might occur in the future whether the plan is successful or not. In the end, this stage of the archetypal journey caused me to become more interested in the development of the plot and the characters because the importance of success but the chance that success might not happen.

Second and finally, the approach of the inmost cave was significant to Sophie and the BFG's journey and completion of their goal of getting rid of the giants. Without the assistance of the Queen and the other leaders of the world, there would have been no way the 25 foot Big Friendly Giant and 4 foot Sophie would have been able to seize the nine 50 foot giants' eating of children every night. Therefore, the approach of the inmost cave was extremely important to their journey because it will provide the two with others that will be able to help them make the world a safer place by increasing their chances of success with a good plan and teamwork among everyone that will help transport the giants from Giant Country (which the BFG will lead them to) to a large pit in England by helicopter.

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